
Rock & Rows

Music Bingo


Easily Facilitated

Fully Licensed

What is it?

Rock & Rows creates it – you run it!

Your school selects which playlist you would like to play (you may select multiple playlists in a single event).  Then, Rock and Rows emails you secret codes and bingo boards right in your inbox. You type in the secret code to gain access to the Rock and Rows portal and print out the corresponding bingo boards. Once you’re in the portal playing Rock and Rows is pretty straight forward.


What is included?
Curated playlists (each song is edited to the good part!), access code to the Rock & Rows portal, bingo boards and marketing assets.

How long will each event last?
Each playlist has 75 songs – so it’ll last for as long as a regular bingo game would! The world is your Rock and Rows oyster.  Switch up the rounds as you would your traditional bingo game – go for four corners, or a blackout round!

Do I need an emcee?
Yes! Rock and Rows is meant to a ‘home grown’ type of event. A student leader/mascot/administrator can easily run it – but we can help you find a professional emcee as well.

What technology do we need?
We recommend that Rock and Rows is run on a laptop connected to a sound system or bluetooth speaker. In a pinch, it can be run with just a mobile device connected to a bluetooth speaker. 

Is music licensing included with Rock and Rows?
Yes! Rock and Rows is considered “background” music and since it streams from our app then your venue is covered.

Isn’t bingo considered gambling?
As long as Rock and Rows is free to play then it is not considered gambling.

Can I see how this works before I book it?
Heck yes! Contact Rebelle Events to set up a tutorial.

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